Thursday, October 30, 2008

Super-Toys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldiss and Artificial Intelligence

David, a preschool boy who struggles to express his feelings to his mother and ponders the question of what is real; his mother Monica Swinton, who struggles to endure the loneliness of her typically isolated lifestyle; and her husband Henry, who is involved in the development of intelligent robots that will be able to serve as social companions for humans. At the end, it is revealed that the couple has been waiting for permission to have a child. David is not a "real" boy.

David, a young robotic boy, is the first android ever programmed to feel human emotion. As an experiment, he is used as a substitute for a couple who have had their terminally ill son, Martin and frozen. When Martin is unexpectedly able to return home, it sparks jealousy between the two boys over their mother's love. Helped by another android, David begins his quest to find someone who can help him become 'a real boy' just like Martin.

The Sentinel by Arthur C Clarke and 2001: A Space Odyssey

The theme of "The Sentinel" was the belief that the evolution of an intelligent species would eventually make them something close to gods.
The story deals with the discovery of an artifact on Earth's Moon left behind eons ago by ancient aliens. The object is made of a polished mineral and rectangular in shape, and is surrounded by a spherical force field. The artifact has transmitted signals into deep space, but it ceases to transmit when the astronauts who discover it breach the force field. The narrator imagines that this "sentinel" was left on the moon as a "warning beacon" for the possible intelligent and space faring life that might develop on Earth.
This quotation illustrates the idea, and its consequences:
"It was only a matter of time before we found the pyramid and forced it open. Now its signals have ceased, and those whose duty it is will be turning their minds upon Earth. Perhaps they wish to help our infant civilization. But they must be very, very old, and the old are often insanely jealous of the young."
In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the operation of the sentinel is reversed. It is the energy of the sun, falling for the first time on the uncovered artifact that triggers the signal that creatures from the Earth had taken the first step into space.

The Odyssey by Homer and O' Brother Where Art Thou?

The black man on the railroad handcar may be similar to Nestor, oldest of the Trojan War heroes, who is consulted by Odysseus's son Telemachus. He is repeatedly and formally described by Homer as the 'Gerenian charioteer': the railroad handcar may represent Nestor’s chariot. As another parallel Homer himself was according to tradition blind and bearded. However, it is more likely an allusion to Tiresias, who predicted the trials and tribulations of Odysseus's route home when Odysseus visited him in the underworld.
The merciless sheriff is comparable to the god Poseidon who torments Odysseus and prolongs his journey home. A link between Satan and Poseidon may be being made when Everett mentions that Satan carries "a giant hay fork" which both figures are often portrayed with just such an instrument. In the final scene of the film, the sheriff's dog and his hired men are killed in a surprise flood. The sheriff’s fate is unknown or maybe he is dead, as no body appears, while Everett and his friends save themselves; Poseidon, god of the waters, destroyed all who had operated a ship sent to aid Odysseus, turning them into a rock in revenge for the blinding of his son Polyphemus, and also plagued Odysseus himself constantly with floods. The sheriff may also reference the god Hades who, as ruler of the underworld, is sometimes compared to Satan; the sheriff's hound echoes Cerberus, the three-headed watchdog of the underworld.

Friday, October 17, 2008


SNOW WHITE (Tales of terror)
The story illustrates evilness throughout the story towards the end. Once Frederick marries Lady Claudia, she brought evilness into the castle. Claudia hates her stepdaughter as Lilli is the fairest. She casts a spell to get rid of her.

‘They live happily ever after’
‘They live happily ever after’ is a typical ending for almost fairy tales. Even though the story line is slightly different from one to another, happiness would be the pleasant ending for the princess and her partner. In the story, the prince was killed by Lady Claudia to give way to Will who is one of the seven vagabonds who has fallen in love with her.


Cruelty and Wickedness
This is the modern version of Snow White. The setting is mostly done in a university and her aim is to pledge her late mom’s once honored society. She was humiliated publicly by the gorgeous but cruel Rachel Witchburn when she was supposedly to be chosen as one of Kappa’s sisters. Rachel always wants to get rid of Sydney as she is a threat to her.

Happy ending
It is not mention as ‘live happily ever after’ but happiness is on her side. Sydney joins the seven dorky boys who live in a hovel called Vortex which soon to be destroyed house on campus. She finds kindred spirits with them and determines to prove that they have the right to live on campus. Sydney supports the dorks to stand up for themselves. Tyler Prince always likes and adores her as she is a very brave and courageous girl.
Submitted to:
Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan
TSL 570 Course Tutor, UiTM Perak

Friday, October 10, 2008


Apocalypse Now is an adaptation movie of Heart of Darkness. The story line was similar but presented in different way. In this movie, Willard, the main character, was involved in Vietnam War whereas in the novel, Marlow was sent by the company to the African jungle where Kurtz resided and played god in the territory. The setting was in Vietnam whereby the Americans tried to conquer the natives through war.
The themes conveyed were comparable as what stated in the novel. His journey to accomplish his mission was horrific and gruesome which reflected the horror and darkness. The way they slaughtered the natives without mercy was somehow inhuman and uncivilized. The natives are just like the animals to them. They appeared to enjoy themselves and get pleasure of their brutality when they considered it as victory after killing the natives and destroying their villages.


Heart of Darkness
The setting was in African Jungle in Congo. Trading was the mission involved. One of the themes in this story focused on colonialism. Colonialism initiated by the whites to the natives, literary to exposed the world of civilization, but in reality the colonists were exploiting the weakness of others in an evil and violent way.
Darkness resembled evil and terror. The journey to the station showed the cruelty and violence made by Kurtz. Creepy and terrifying surroundings illustrated the inhuman commotions done by the colonists. Darkness also referred to the color of skin of the natives. The darkness of their skin was always mentioned, for example, ‘mostly black and naked, moving about like ants’.
‘The Horror’ which was uttered by Kurtz before he died enlightened us of how people were haunted by their own wrongdoing regardless of their superior and class.


Social class
Throughout the movie, we see social classes taking two forms, either high class or low class. In the setting, low class and high class are shown as a way of living. Higgins' experiment focused on the possibility that social class has less to do with money or connections and more to do with proper education, training, and manners. It succeeded when someone thought Eliza was a princess.
Love and egoistic
Men would never be sensitive to how women feel long as their wish is fulfilled even though deep inside their heart they have the same feeling as what being shown in Professor Higgins’ character. He falls in love with Eliza but tend not to show his feeling to her. Eliza feels hurt as she thinks that her value is no more than those slippers. She is just an object that can be manipulated. Though she is hurt, her love conquers everything when she comes back to Higgins’ house.
Eliza was being optimistic when she decided to change her Cockney accent. She was naïve and thought that she could be employed in a better place instead of selling flowers on the street. Her aspiration was manipulated by Professor Higgins and Freddy Eynsford-Hill. Nobody seemed to bother when she sold flowers on the street, even Freddy would not recognized Eliza was the flower girl that stumbled with him.

Friday, September 26, 2008


This romantic story is the modern version of the musical movie ‘My Fair Lady’ which carries a similar plot but presented differently.
Transformation of identity
The male character, Zach is persuaded by his friend to bet on this unattractive girl, Laney. In ‘My Fair Lady’ Professor Higgins has agreed with Colonel Pickering to bet on Eliza, the poor flower girl that he would able to change the Cockney speaking girl to an educated social girl. Both were furious once they knew the men they trusted most had cheated them. I think every woman would have been angry, enraged and think this is ‘the end of the world’ for some time if the person you have faith in is having fun betting for something over her. Changing someone to a better person is a norm but changing physically from unattractive to someone alluring and charming is improper.
Loving someone means to love him or her just the way they are. If men intend to change women physically, what more if the girl is not attractive, it shows that his love is insincere and fake. He only thinks that his partner would appear pleasing and fascinating without thinking that the most important thing is the inner feeling should be genuine and sincere.
Submitted to:
Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan
TSL 570 Course Tutor, UiTM Perak
Different class of society
The different type of English used definitely shows different class of people, the wealthy people and those poor ones. Those who speak Cockney accent are the people of low class category and those who speak the Queen’s English come from high class category.
Transforming with a purpose
Eliza has offered herself to improve her speaking, thus being the victim of betting between Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering. Their intention later realized by Eliza and she is furious thinking that her value is not more than those slippers.
Eliza’s intention of changing herself from uneducated flower girl to a very impressive high class social girl has shown that she need not have to be born in high class society but through changing her way of speaking. She thinks that in the future, she can be employed in a flower shop instead of selling flowers on the street. Eliza tends to change her identity once she meets Higgins.
No one notices Eliza when she is selling flower but when the same person is dressed like a duchess, everybody seems interested in her and Freddy is totally captivated by her appearance.
Submitted to:
Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan
TSL 570 Course Tutor, UiTM Perak

Friday, August 15, 2008

TSL570 My/Our Literaterature & Media Blog Project

Assalamualaikum, I m Norliham.

Submitted to:
Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan
TSL 570 Course Tutor, UiTM Perak